Clean Energy Insights

RE-volv’s Project Impact Areas

6 minute read

At RE-volv, we empower people to bring clean energy to their communities. We do that by bringing solar to community-serving nonprofits across the country. Within the United States, there are roughly 1.5 million nonprofits that face major barriers to getting their solar projects financed. RE-volv removes those barriers, allowing nonprofits to go solar for zero down while saving on average 15% on their electricity bills each month.

We work with nonprofits across the country that play an active role in serving their community. We work with nonprofits that have an impact on eleven critical areas, including: animals, arts, BIPOC led/serving communities, food and agriculture, community development, conservation, faith, health, housing, veterans and youth. Read on to learn more about our eleven impact areas.


RE-volv works with nonprofits whose mission is centered around animals and their wellbeing. Nonprofits in this impact area include animal shelters and sanctuaries that care for animals and allow them to thrive. In 2019, with the help of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Solar Ambassadors, we brought solar to Primate Inc. located in Wisconsin, which is a sanctuary for monkeys after their retirement from medical laboratories and Hollywood films.


Art is a way to express oneself, build community, and bring joy into our lives. RE-volv solarizes nonprofits focused on the arts, including dance centers, cultural centers, and organizations focused on building community through art. For our first project in 2013, we brought solar to Shawl-Anderson Modern Dance Center located in Berkeley, California.

kids casey ishinan

Cover photo credits: Casey Ishinan

BIPOC Led/Serving

RE-volv is committed to working with nonprofits who serve Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) led/serving communities. These nonprofits serve BIPOC led/serving communities by providing programming for kids, creating spaces to share culture and preserve heritage, and more. Some examples of our nonprofit projects in the BIPOC led/serving impact area include La Peña Cultural Center in Berkeley, California, the Village of Arts and Humanities in Philadelphia, and the Sweet Water Foundation in Chicago.

Food & Agriculture

RE-volv helps nonprofits whose work is focused on sustainable food and agriculture go solar. These nonprofits include community gardens, food cooperatives, and nonprofits that host food distribution programs for people in need. One nonprofit that we helped bring solar to in 2018 is the Mission of Mary, a non-profit addressing food deserts and social justice issues in east Dayton by providing access to healthy, affordable food.

Community Development

Nonprofits who work on community development focus on revitalizing their community. RE-volv helps community development nonprofits go solar who focus on food security, education, creating spaces for the community to gather and help strengthen the fabric of the community. RE-volv has helped many community development nonprofits go solar, including Faith Baptist Church in Oakland, who hosts a Food Giving Program and gives out more than 100 tons of food each year.


As an organization committed to climate action, RE-volv helps conversation focused nonprofits go solar. Nonprofits in the conservation impact space focus on conserving and protecting the natural environment now and for the future. In 2018, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Solar Ambassador Team worked with us to bring solar to the River Revitalization Foundation, a nonprofit land trust dedicated to the preservation, conservation, enjoyment, and revitalization of Milwaukee’s rivers and their surrounding environments.



RE-volv helps provide solar financing for communities of faith and houses of worship across the country including, but not limited to, synagogues, churches, mosques, congregations, and faith driven community centers. Some of our solar projects within the faith impact area includes Kehilla Community Synagogue in Oakland, True Fellowship Baptist Church in Richmond, California, and Congregation Netivot Shalom in Berkeley.


Health is an integral part of every community. RE-volv works with nonprofits whose mission is centered on community health. These nonprofits include children's camps, health-based food cooperatives, and nonprofits focused on mental and cognitive health. In 2020, we bought a 17 kW system to Collins Lake Autism Center, located in New Mexico.


Housing is an essential fabric of our communities. RE-volv helps housing nonprofits go solar who provide housing for low income families, help improve low-income neighborhoods, and support community groups through housing solutions. In 2021, we brought an 83 kW system to Project Artaud, an artist housing community in San Francisco and also brought a 615 kW system to Villa del Arroyo in Moorpark, California.

unity gardens


Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFWs) Posts are community centers across the country where Veterans of Foregin Wars gather. RE-volv is proud to have helped one of the first VFW's in the nation go solar, which is VFW Post 10804 in South Carolina. This installation was made possible through the support of the RE-volv Solar Ambassadors at Coastal Carolina University.


RE-volv helps nonprofits focused on serving youth go solar. These nonprofits provide youth with academic enrichment, mentoring, and nutritious meals along with opportunities to engage in dance, day camps, community gardens, and art. East End Community Services went solar with RE-volv through the help of the University of Dayton Solar Ambassadors. East End provides many wonderful services to youth in Dayton, including daily nutritionally-balanced meals, academic help, mentoring, college and career planning, drug prevention, and various leadership opportunities.

Project Overview

From 2011 to Q1 of 2021, we have had the privilege of working with 45 amazing community-serving nonprofits throughout the country to help them go solar. Learn more about all our nonprofit solar projects.

Get Involved

Ready to bring clean solar power to a deserving nonprofit in your community? Sign up to be a Solar Ambassador and help bring solar to a community-serving nonprofit in your community. Our Solar Ambassadors work with nonprofits in their community to help them go solar, and use that nonprofit solar project to spark a solar revolution in their community.

Sign-up you Nonprofit to go Solar

If you’re a nonprofit and are ready to learn more about going solar with RE-volv, let us know by signing up your nonprofit for a free solar quote today! At RE-volv, we help nonprofits go solar, by saving them on average 15% off their monthly electricity bill.

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