Solar for Nonprofits

Help nonprofits go solar through Impact Investing

RE-volv is a climate justice nonprofit that helps nonprofits in underserved communities across the country go solar, while raising awareness about equitable climate solutions, and training the next generation of clean energy leaders.

Donor Advised Funds, Impact Investors, and Foundations can invest in nonprofit solar projects via Recoverable Grants, Promissory Notes, or Program Related Investments (PRI), and scale our proven model of removing barriers to solar access in underserved communities across the United States.

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Ready to Learn More?

Call or email RE-volv to set up an informational meeting to learn more about our Solar For Nonprofits Recoverable Grant opportunity.

(415) 579-3251
Learn How Recoverable Grants Work

Help nonprofits go solar through impact investing.

The Impact of Your Support

How Recoverable Grants Work

A Recoverable Grant is an innovative financial vehicle that allows RE-volv to receive funding from foundations and Donor Advised Funds, use the funds to build solar projects, and pay the foundation or DAF back with interest over time. At the end of the term, investors can then reinvest or grant those funds to organizations of their choice.

RE-volv is currently seeking to raise $10 Million through two recoverable grant offerings including a 9-year term with a 1% annual interest rate and a 15-year term with a 1.75% annual interest rate. Your support will accelerate the just transition to a clean energy economy that provides real economic value to those that need it most. Investors will receive bi-annual reports showcasing how their grant is creating a positive impact in communities at the front lines of the fight for climate solutions.

RE-volv Recoverable Grant graphic
Ready to Learn More?
Download RE-volv’s Solar for Nonprofits Recoverable Grants informational sheet to learn more about the program.
Building Community Through Solar

Our Theory of Change

Your support will not only accelerate the adoption of clean energy for deserving nonprofits, but will empower communities to collectively invest in renewable energy and help train the next generation of clean energy leaders through our Solar Ambassador Fellowship program.
RE-volv Solar Projects

RE-volv provides solar financing for community-serving nonprofits across the country. Your Recoverable Grant will directly provide solar to nonprofits that serve BIPOC led/serving communities, youth and veterans and work in impact areas including affordable housing, conservation, community development, and health.
View our Projects

U.S. Department of Energy Partners with RE-volv
to Solarize BIPOC Houses of Worship

RE-volv and project partners Green The Church and Interfaith Power & Light have teamed up to assist BIPOC-led houses of worship around the country go solar. This partnership is supported by a contract from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technology Office, as a part of the third round of the Solar Energy Innovation Network (SEIN). Your Recoverable Grant to RE-volv will help us amplify this work of bringing solar to BIPOC houses of worship across the country.

Your Recoverable Grant in Action

Testimonials from Past Projects

RE-volv's Recoverable Grant Pre-approved by Vanguard Charitable

We are thrilled to announce our Recoverable Grant offering is pre-approved for recoverable grantmaking through Vanguard Charitable’s Premier Services Group, one of the nation’s leading donor advised funds!

Looking to Donate?

Let's change lives!

RE-volv's Monthly Donor program allows donors to invest monthly in a world where everyone can thrive from clean energy. Your monthly gift supports community-serving nonprofits, allowing them to access the cost-savings of renewable energy and fight climate change at the local level.

Learn about our Recoverable Grant Opportunity

Watch a recording of our Recoverable Grants Informational Webinar to learn more about Recoverable Grants from Capshift, an impact investing platform, and our Solar for Nonprofits Recoverable Grant offering. RE-volv's Recoverable Grant offering has been approved and vetted by Capshift.