How it Works

The Problem

One of nonprofits' largest monthly expenses is their electricity bill. Going solar introduces the potential for huge savings, but many nonprofits…

  • Do not think of solar as an accessible option.
  • Face major barriers in getting their solar systems financed.

The Opportunity

There are roughly 1.6 million nonprofits in the United States, including youth centers, food banks, houses of worship. If just 1% went solar, 16,000 nonprofits across the US would be saving big on electricity and pouring those savings back into bettering their communities.

Studies show that 1 non residential solar installation inspires 80 residential installations in that community. So, multiply 15,000 by 80 to imagine the possibilities of solar!

Nonprofit Solar Signup

How Nonprofits Save

RE-volv provides solar financing to nonprofits through three innovative financing tools: a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), a solar lease and a loan. We help nonprofits get the most savings possible through unlocking federal savings, a part of the Inflation Reduction Act.

The PPA and solar lease financing vehicles offer a 20-year term that includes no up-front costs and an average of 15% savings on electricity bills from day one, which increases throughout the length of the solar term. Throughout the term of the PPA or solar lease, RE-volv owns the system and covers all operation and maintenance costs. After the term is completed, the ownership of the solar system is transferred to the nonprofit.

Through the loan, RE-volv coordinates installation of the solar system and community activation activities once the system is installed. The nonprofit owns and operates the solar system from day 1. This option includes the choice to add battery storage, making the nonprofit more resilient and energy independent.

Scaling Impact

We utilize philanthropic grants, donations, and investment to help finance the up-front cost of bringing solar to nonprofits, allowing us to work with more nonprofits. Learn more about how you can support our work here.