Project Artaud

Project Details

CO2 Avoided

4,656,000 lbs

Solar System

83 kW

Dollars saved


People served



March 2021

Connect with Project Artaud


This project was installed by:

Project Artaud is a pioneering arts complex located in San Francisco’s Mission District. Project Artaud is an artist community that provides affordable housing and studio space for over 70 artists and also houses three theaters and two dance studios that residents and members of the community can use for performances and practice space. Project Artaud was founded in 1971 when the founding members converted and rehabilitated an old canning factory built in 1923 into an artist live-work community.

Project Artaud provides affordable housing and studio space opportunities for artists of all disciplines, including painters, sculptures, designers, filmmakers, photographers, performers, writers, and musicians. Project Artaud is a member-run nonprofit, where members take turns serving on the Board and on various committees, including the facilities committee, arts committee, and landscaping committee, all of which help maintain and run Project Artaud. 

Going Solar with RE-volv

Project Artaud went solar with RE-volv in the spring of 2021, which coincides with Project Artaud’s 50th Year Anniversary. By going solar with RE-volv, Project Artaud residents and members will have lower electricity bills and will be able to reduce their carbon footprint as well. By reducing electricity costs, Project Artaud will be able to better serve its members and provide affordable housing opportunities for San Francisco artists for decades to come. 

The installation for this project was achieved with the help of several Project Artaud residents who volunteered their time to help install the 91 kW solar system. Scroll through the photos below to see the solar installation on the roof of Project Artaud!


Solar Ribbon Cutting Celebration 

Project Artaud celebrated their 50th Anniversary as a nonprofit on Earth Day 2021, where a celebration was held highlighting many improvements to the nonprofit, including their new solar array! The members of the Project Artaud community gathered and celebrated the solar system by having a solar ribbon cutting event, live music, and learning more about how the solar system will positively impact Project Artaud’s residents. 

Project Artaud

499 Alabama St San Francisco, CA 94110

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