Solar Ambassadors Impact

The Solar Ambassador Fellowship Program expanded my perspective on solar energy beyond its environmental benefits. It showed me how solar accessibility can uplift communities by providing clean energy and enhancing resilience. Through engagement with industry stakeholders and grassroots organizers, I gained a deeper understanding of the practical applications of solar and its potential to drive positive change.Ariza Nanji, Swarthmore Solar Ambassador 2022-2024
This fellowship also taught me that I can pursue a successful career in the energy industry while making an impact in communities and the environment.Alejandro Omana, University of Texas at Austin Solar Ambassadors 2023-2024
My favorite aspect of the fellowship was getting to meet individuals from other majors and class years. It was great to work with people from diverse academic backgrounds, and to see everyone apply their own strengths in the group meetingsAlec Pirone, Princeton University Solar Ambassador 2022-2024
Solar Ambassador Alumni Stories
Solar Ambassador Team Highlights
University of Dayton
The Solar Ambassador Team at the University of Dayton helped bring solar to Oak Tree Corner in Fall 2021 and celebrated with a Solar Ribbon Cutting.

UC San Diego
The Solar Ambassadors at the UCSD joined thousands of solar employees in a rally to help save solar in California from proposed net metering changes.

Gonzaga University
The Solar Ambassador Team at Gonzaga brought solar to Transitions, a nonprofit that works to end homelessness and poverty for women and children.

Solar Ambassador University Teams

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Looking to hire one of our experienced Solar Ambassador Alumni? Head over to our Employer Center to learn more.
RE-volv's Solar Ambassador Fellowship
The Solar Ambassador Fellowship is a year-long fellowship for college students who want to prepare for solar careers while helping a community-serving organization near their campus go solar! RE-volv trains ambassadors in solar policy, community engagement, and project management. In turn, the Solar Ambassadors educate their campus communities about solar energy, develop a deep understanding of the energy sector, produce a tangible reduction in carbon emissions, and build a national network of environmental stewards.
Interested in applying? Sign up to become a volunteer Solar Ambassador Fellow today or reach out at [email protected] to set up an intro call.