St. Thomas of Canterbury

Project Details

CO2 Avoided

444,000 lbs

Solar System

7 kW

Dollars saved


People served



March 2021

Connect with St. Thomas 


St. Thomas of Canterbury Episcopal Community is a parish of the Diocese of the Rio Grande based in Albuquerque, New Mexico that was established in 1963. St. Thomas strives to offer meaningful, engaging liturgy enriched by beautiful organ & piano accompaniment. The community comes together through inclusive worship that uses the healing, transforming power of story, music and images to create and sustain their common life.

St. Thomas’s Mission 

Our life together as a parish family centers around a simple pattern:

We devote ourselves to the teachings of Jesus Christ and his apostles.

We are in relationship to support one another as we journey in faith.

We gather around the altar to break bread in the Holy Eucharist.

We affirm that praying shapes believing shapes living.


Why St. Thomas Went Solar with RE-volv

St. Thomas says that their motivation for going solar with RE-volv is, “The belief that we are called by God to be faithful stewards of the creation with which He has entrusted us. We have responded to that call in part by taking steps to reduce our own energy consumption, including the decision to work towards a solar installation that will not only minimize our reliance on fossil fuels and cut our greenhouse gas emissions, but will also serve as a visible witness to the surrounding community of our commitment to sustainability.”

St. Thomas says, “After several years of looking at possible local sources of financing for a solar project, we had reached what appeared to be a dead end, since our congregation had neither the means nor the connections to raise the necessary funds. But thanks to our association with New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light and its wonderful Executive Director, Sr. Joan Brown, we learned of RE-volv and its mission to assist small nonprofits like ours. RE-volv has indeed provided an almost miraculous solution to a seemingly insoluble problem!”

Over the course of the system’s lifetime, St. Thomas will save more than $29,000 on their electric bills, which they will use to support the various ministries of St. Thomas of Canterbury along with outreach to the University of New Mexico campus that is across the street from their church.



St. Thomas of Canterbury

425 University Blvd. NE Albuquerque NM 87106, United States

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