Surface Creek Animal Shelter is a nonprofit, Adoption Guarantee facility for dogs and cats located in Cedaredge, Colorado. The shelter is able to accommodate eight dogs and up to 30 cats at a time. Surface Creek provides shelter, health care, and love to dogs and cats in the Surface Creek Valley of Delta County while helping to find homes for their adoptable dogs and cats. If you’re interested in adopting, view Surface Creek Animal Shelter’s adoptable dogs and cats.
The shelter’s mission is to, “To provide necessary care, food, and shelter for companion animals in need in the Surface Creek area and to actively seek good adoptive homes for all adoptable animals.” In addition, Surface Creek Animal Shelter helps promote responsible pet ownership with an active spay/neuter program and also helps to improve the welfare and sheltering of companion animals in Delta County.
Going Solar with RE-volv
Surface Creek Animal Shelter went solar with RE-volv in 2020 through a 5 kW solar system that will reduce the shelter’s carbon footprint by nearly 300,000 lbs over the systems’ lifetime. Surface Creek says, “Our solar installation has provided a clean, dependable source of electrical power for the Animal Shelter. The Shelter is doing its part to reduce its carbon footprint in an effort to address climate change.”
How Surface Creek Will Utilize Their Solar Savings
By going solar with RE-volv, Surface Creek will save nearly $12,000 on the cost of electricity over the system’s lifetime. Bruce Jones, President of the Board of Directors for Surface Creek says, “Having the solar installation has guaranteed that our energy costs will remain constant in the future.”
Surface Creek is operated by volunteers and is supported through donations and grants. With the cost savings, Surface Creek will be able to invest this money into completing their mission of housing and caring for animals. The savings can allow the nonprofit to purchase additional food and provide further veterinary care for the animals in their care while they await adoption
Surface Creek Animal Shelter
265 SE High Country Ave Cedaredge, CO 81413