Royal York Estates

Project Details

CO2 Avoided

16,166,000 lbs

Solar System

290 kW

Dollars saved


People served



October 2021

Connect with Royal York

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Thank you to our corporate sponsor for supporting this project

Royal York is a 93 space mobile home park located in San Bernardino, California that is owned and managed by Affordable Communities Inc., a nonprofit that owns and manages manufactured housing communities throughout California and Washington to preserve affordable housing. As a nonprofit, Affordable Communities Inc.’s mission is to preserve affordable housing for the benefit of low income families and seniors. Many for-profit mobile home property management companies are oftentimes raising rent prices within mobile home communities without increasing park amenities, which makes it incredibly difficult for low-income families to afford their homes, especially seniors on fixed incomes. 

Going Solar with RE-volv 

RE-volv is helping bring solar to Royal York through a 290 kW solar system that is being installed on carports throughout the vehicle parking lots within the community. The solar arrays are installed throughout the park’s common spaces through six different arrays, allowing each of the residents within the 93 space park to benefit from receiving clean, renewable energy.  Look through the slideshow below to see project installation photos. 

Homeowners Saving Money on Electricity with RE-volv

Families of all ages live at Royal York, where 90% of the park’s residents are at or below low income levels. Affordable Communities Inc. says, “Going solar with RE-volv helps homeowners in our communities pay less of their limited income for electricity.” Through a 290 kW system, residents will collectively save $2.5 million dollars off the cost of electricity over the course of the solar system’s lifetime. Each month, residents will receive cost savings off their electricity costs which will allow them to put that money towards necessities and other needs for their family, rather than on energy costs. 

Royal York’s main motivation for going solar was the cost savings that would be passed along to the residents of the park. Maurice Priest, President of Affordable Communities Inc. says, "For 20 years nonprofit Affordable Communities, Inc. has been helping people keep housing affordable. By going solar with RE-volv we are now helping people keep housing and electricity affordable!"

Royal York Estates

San Bernardino CA 92410

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