Prince of Peace

Project Details

CO2 Avoided

720,000 lbs

Solar System

18 kW

Dollars saved


People served



February 2024

For more information, please visit the Prince of Peace website:


This Project Was Installed By:

Solar Energy World


This Project was funded by:

Montgomery Country Green Bank

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church has been part of the greater Gaithersburg community for over 50 years–since the congregation began in 1982. They have been especially interested in vibrant worship and music, ministry with children and youth, and hands-on ways to help neighbors in our community and throughout the world. A loving and caring Christian community, their mission is to live and proclaim God’s word made known to us in Jesus. 

Prince of Peace is a member congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and its Metropolitan Washington, DC Synod. They partner with many ecumenical and interfaith organizations in our local community including Gaithersburg HELP, Interfaith Works and Habitat for Humanity. They are one of the founding congregations of the annual Interfaith 5K in Montgomery County.

About the Solar Ribbon Cutting Celebration

On Mother’s Day 2024, the congregation gathered to celebrate their new 17.8kW solar system, which will save them over $100,000 on electricity bills over the system’s 25 year lifespan. The church is excited to invest savings into their mission and the Gaithersburg community.

Prince of Peace

11900 Darnestown Rd Gaithersburg, MD 20878

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