RE-volv Language Assistance Plan


Acknowledging our community's diverse linguistic landscape, RE-volv underscores the significance of linguistic accessibility for all residents. This plan emphasizes our commitment to serving all community members, regardless of language proficiency. This Language Access Plan (LAP) aims to make reasonable efforts to remove language as a barrier to going solar with RE-volv and accessing all of RE-volv's services.

Language Assistance Policy

RE-volv is dedicated to providing language assistance to ensure that individuals with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) have equal access to our financial products and services. This commitment aligns with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which emphasizes nondiscrimination in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance.

RE-volv employees are committed to taking reasonable steps to ensure that LEP individuals have meaningful access to all RE-volv products, services, and programs as outlined below.

This policy is grounded in the principle that it is RE-volv's responsibility, not the LEP individual's, to take reasonable measures to ensure that communication is not impacted due to limited English proficiency. RE-volv staff will also take reasonable actions to effectively inform the public about the availability of language-accessible programs and activities.

Identification of Language Needs

RE-volv reviews census data and our community members' language preferences to identify language needs. This proactive approach enables us to tailor our language assistance services to the unique needs of various language-speaking communities.

Language Assistance Services

All staff will receive training on the importance of providing meaningful information and services to LEP communities in an understandable way. This training will be included as part of the new employee orientation, with periodic refresher training provided at staff meetings. RE-volv will offer the following language assistance services, focusing on the diverse language needs of our community:

Implementation Plan

Staff Responsibilities

Feedback Mechanism

RE-volv will regularly assess and improve language assistance efforts based on community input to continuously improve our language assistance services.

Monitoring and Evaluation

To ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the Language Access Plan, RE-volv will employ regular assessments and feedback analysis like the following:

Compliance and Reporting

To ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, RE-volv will maintain thorough records of language assistance activities and conduct an annual review of the Language Access Plan to assess its effectiveness and compliance. This review will include an analysis of service data, feedback from LEP individuals, and input from staff and community partners. In addition, RE-volv will provide timely reports to relevant regulatory bodies as needed.