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A step by step timeline for you and your team
to spearhead a solar energy project in your community.
A Step by Step timeline for you and your team to spearhead a solar energy project in your community.

Once you have put a team together and found a nonprofit to work with, here is the timeline for your project:
1. Collecting Information (1-2 weeks)
2. RE-volv finds solar installer and puts lease together (1-2 weeks)
3. Discussions with nonprofit and RE-volv to go over the lease (1 week-1 month)
4. Planning your crowdfunding campaign (1-2 months)
5. Running the campaign (6 weeks)
6. Installation (1 week-1 month)
8. Celebration (1 week-1 month)
On average, your project should take you somewhere between 3-6 months from start to finish.